When I returned in from Norway in 2014 I mentioned this idea to a number of people I used to call friends many of whom naturally thought I was a little touched in even thinking of driving given that the last time I drove (sort of) was in 2010 and then not for very long as followers of my Big Trip blog will know my mate Diz didn't really like me driving. Before that I had a quick go in Cuba when Jenny decided that it was safer for her if I really didn't so apart from those two occasions I haven't really driven in 16 years! But why should that matter since driving's just like falling off a log - once you have done it you can always do it.
So, despite the general feeling of a lack of support and especially in the co-driver department I decided to go for it and start looking for a vehicle in which could potentially meet the entrance criteria for the rally and at least stand some chance of getting there and back. For no real reason other than I had a Mini Clubman once I decided I fancied getting a Morris Traveller and so the search began.
It took some time but after some Googling and browsing loads of sites selling everything from Travellers in 'need of restoration'to fully restored I made my decision and bought Albert.
The decision wasn't too hard to make as life is too short and I need to do the trip when I'm 60 so taking on a full restoration job was out of the question and a fully restored beastie would leave me (well someone else) nothing to do but also cost a serious amount of money and would I want to ruin such a fine machine? I think not!
Albert is a 1968 Morris Traveller who used to be white but is now yellow which is cool. He needs some work but is a runner and I drove him back from the Forest of Dean in the rain with no problems other than the puddles on the floor.
I hope you will follow Albert and my adventures and that you too will be inspired to do something crazy.